About Us
Experience a whole new vision through your glass.
GlassTek was founded by Jin Pak in 2015 who is also President of H&H Construction. H&H’s expertise is new residential construction specializing in roofing, siding, gutters and drywall. In 2009, H&H Construction was formed and continues to grow exponentially. This will be the best year ever, with revenues running in the $18 – $20 Million range.
Jin has always been interested in new technology and how it can be utilized in the construction industry. In 2011 he was exposed to some new construction applications utilizing glass and glass products, and he began his research into the latest glass construction technologies
The beginning of GlassTek….
Jin made several trips to Asia and Europe to experience and research new glass construction applications, and find the best raw material manufacturers. Jin has had tremendous success growing H&H Construction, and decided to start a “sister” company. The Spin-Off of H&H began in late 2015 and GlassTek was incorporated. The investment and plans were starting to take shape. We have the backing and experience of a successful business behind us. We are strongly positioned to grow and expand to be the premier glass technology company in the Nation.