You’ve been hearing about the decennial census for some time now. It means $675 billion in federal funding, fair representation and civic duty. Beyond that, what does it mean for you, an Aurora resident?
The data gathered during the 2020 Census determines funding for hundreds of federal programs used by residents like you. About 70% of students in Aurora Public Schools receive free or reduced-price lunches because of the National School Lunch Program. More than 10% of students benefit from the special education programs funded by the federal government.
Colorado receives at least $787 million in federal funding for Medicare Part B, another $641 million for highway planning and construction, and billions more for other programs and grants to support our growing community. Around 1,600 Medicaid applications are processed per month in Arapahoe county, 430 for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and 2,300 for food assistance. That’s an average of 50,000 families a year using federal funds distributed state-wide based on census data. From schools to hospitals, from roads to emergency services, from your library to your house, census data will shape your future.
This year, make sure you and your family (even the littlest ones) are counted. By April 1, every home will receive an invitation to participate, and you will have three options to respond: online, by phone or by mail. And taking the census takes just 10 minutes. For more information, visit, email [email protected], call 303.739.7400 or text 303.622.5881
It’s the year of the decennial census! Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau counts all persons living in the United States and its territories. City of Aurora has teamed up with the Census Bureau to help make sure every Aurora resident is counted in the 2020 Census. Since 1930, April 1 has been declared National Census Day and that’s less than 90 days away. The Census Bureau will begin inviting households in mid-March to respond to the 2020 Census online or by phone. Make sure you complete the census!
$13 billion in federal funds is given annually to Colorado based on census data over the next decade, and Aurora gets a portion of those funds. Achieving an accurate count in the 2020 Census will benefit Aurora’s schools, healthcare, housing, roads, emergency services and more.
The census is important, safe and easy. We are counting on all of you to resolve to be involved and get Aurora to–Be Heard. Be Seen. Be Counted.
For more information:
Text: 303.622.5881