
Arapahoe and Adams Counties stay-at-home order extended until May 8. Douglas County under safer at home order.

April 24th, 2020

Coronavirus COVID-19

Blue banner with a house and COVID-19.

Arapahoe and Adams Counties stay-at-home order extended until May 8. Douglas County under safer at home order.

Tri-County Health Department issued public health orders extending Gov. Polis Stay at Home order until Friday, May 8, in Arapahoe and Adams Counties in an effort to stem the ongoing high level of COVID-19 virus infection in these counties. Douglas County, which has had case numbers level off in recent weeks will not be subject to this order and will continue with the Governor’s Safer at Home order.

The order protects the health and safety of our communities. All people in Colorado must follow the letter and the spirit of these orders. Do not try to bend the rules or find loopholes. It’s up to us all to keep people safe and build up our health care system so we can treat people who are sick and save lives.

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Updates from our counties

Resources and some services are still available in our counties. Please visit each county for updates at Adams County |  Arapahoe County | Douglas County.