Argenta – former Fan Fare property – 6/2023 Update from Philip Nachbar, Development Project Manager, Planning & Development Services Department, City of Aurora 15151 E. Alameda Parkway, Ste 2300, Aurora, CO 80012, office 303.739.7269 | cell 503.625.3418
Housing On Havana Street – The project is currently under construction with the following progress and anticipated timeframes: Pacific North, LLC., the developer, is under construction on the mixed building on Havana Street which includes 18,000 square feet of retail, and 32 multi-family, condominium units, anticipated to be completed July 2023.
A second, 76-unit condominium building is currently under construction, with completion anticipated in early 2024. Construction has begun on the first 86-unit, town home building with completion anticipated by the end of the year. The project has completed Harrison St, the North-South Road through the development, which is a benchmark in the redevelopment agreement with Aurora Urban Renewal Agency.