
Business Resource – City of Aurora Police Department – Trespass Enforcement Agreement Program

August 5th, 2024

Please see the PAR (Police Area Officers) for more information. Contact information listed below.

The Trespass Enforcement Agreement Program documents were shared by APD PAR with the Havana Business Improvement District.

Please download the documents, complete the agreements and email them to the District 1 PAR team at  [email protected]

The purpose of the Aurora Police Department Trespass Enforcement Agreement Program is to
allow property owners or managers to authorize Aurora Police officers to enter onto their
property for the purpose of enforcing trespass laws against individuals who are trespassing on the
property when no responsible party is on site. Individuals who are found by police officers to be
on your property without authorization will be told to leave the property and not return, or be
subject to arrest for Trespassing, or other applicable offenses.

In the event a police officer arrests an individual(s) for trespassing, the City of Aurora Attorney’s Office may file criminal charges against the arrested individual(s).
A Trespass Enforcement Agreement is valid for two years. The Trespass Enforcement Agreement is non-transferrable. Property owners or managers are responsible to maintain current
contact and property information, and, in the event of terminating participation in the program,
the return of the issued placard(s). Trespass Enforcement Agreements will be revoked for failure
to comply with the terms of the program, including but not limited to, failure to prosecute,
unreported ownership transfer, or failure to renew.
The following properties are not eligible for the Trespass Enforcement Agreement Program:

• Businesses in operation 24 hours and/or with security on-scene such as convenience stores and
fast food restaurants.
• Single-family detached residence.
• Public right of ways or premises open to the public.
• Property not within the Aurora Police Department’s jurisdiction.

To initiate the application process, contact your designated Police Area Representative (PAR
officer). This officer can be located on our City Webpage at Provide the
property address, property owner or manager name, and a daytime telephone number to your
PAR officer. In response to an eligible property inquiry, a Trespass Enforcement Agreement
Notice form will be emailed for completion.

Upon submission of the completed form, the PAR officer will review the application, and if approved, the property owner or manager will receive a
valid Trespass Enforcement Agreement Notice and “No Trespassing” placard(s).

It is required the placard(s) be posted in a prominent location on the property, or as directed by the PAR officer.

Prior to signing the Trespass Enforcement Agreement Notice, please review the following
Trespass Criminal Statute as defined by Aurora Municipal Code Section 94-71 so you are aware
of the applicable trespass laws pertaining to your property:

Initials______ Date_______


APD Contact & Resources

HBID APD PAR as of 11.30.2023 – District 1 PAR Officers, Officer Spitzer, [email protected]