
Census 2020: Be heard. Be seen. Be counted.

August 9th, 2019

The U.S. census, a count of every resident in this country, takes place every 10 years and helps shape many different aspects of your community, like hospitals, schools, highways and roads, emergency preparedness and much more.
The census results help determine how more than $675 billion in federal funding is distributed to states and communities. And it’s mandated by the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the first census was taken in 1790.
The city of Aurora is joining our partners at the counties and state to support the U.S. Census Bureau in its effort to count every single person of any age in Aurora. In the coming months, we will share more information about how you can respond to the census in 2020.

Below find links to handouts, fact sheets, toolkits and additional information to help you raise awareness of the 2020 Census and encourage participation in the Aurora community.

Census 101

The 2020 Census at a Glance


How the Census will invite everyone to respond

Partnership Fact Sheet

Complete Count Committees


To stay up to date and for more information locally, visit
Read More at the City of Aurora’s website and 08.08.2019 newsletter