
Supporting a safe, smart, and healthy start for young children and their families.

Child Care Assistance Program

April 21st, 2021

Child Care Assistance Program by Arapahoe County
The Low-Income Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) helps eligible families with the costs of child care for children from birth to age 12 while the parents work toward self-sufficiency.


To qualify for CCAP, parents must meet income limits and be involved in one of the following activities:

  • Working or looking for a job
  • Attending college or vocational school
  • Enrolled in high school if under age 21
  • Studying for a GED if under age 21

Parents must also pay a portion of the child care costs. Parental fees, program benefits, provider rates and program availability are subject to change.

Cooperation with Child Support

If you have a child residing in your home whose non-custodial parent is not providing child support, you will be required to cooperate with Arapahoe County’s Community and Child Support Services Division in order to qualify for CCAP. Cooperation is required for all children in the household with an absent parent who are in need of child care services. The division will provide any necessary services to establish, modify or enforce a child support or medical support order. Child care assistance will be denied or terminated for all children in the home if a family fails to cooperate without good cause.

Choosing a Provider

Each family can choose a child care provider that best meets their needs. CCAP will pay the provider directly for times when the parent is at the approved activity. Arapahoe County Department of Human Services will conduct background checks on providers. Parents can conduct online child care searches by visiting Colorado Shines or call the Colorado Shines Child Care Referral Line at 877-338-2273. You can check into any licensing history for licensed or registered providers.

How to Apply

Colorado’s online application and eligibility tool for CCAP are currently under construction. Please apply for or renew CCAP benefits using the following links:

For providers

If you are interested in becoming a Colorado Child Care Assistance Program provider and would like to enroll as a provider, visit the Colorado Office of Early Childhood to get started.

For general provider inquiries, contact the Colorado Office of Early Childhood council at [email protected] or 1-800-799-5876.

Contact info: [email protected] (email)  or 303-636-1492.  There are two staff members that are helping families find licensed and quality child care and letting them know what the eligibility guidelines are for CCAP which could save them a lot of money!
Visit their website here:
Review the CCAP brochure for Arapahoe County here:  CCAP-Low Income Guidelines
Also, if you are in need of baby diapers and pull ups then please contact [email protected] or 303-636-1492
Contact Information:
Jana Clark
Parents as Teachers Coordinator / Child Care Navigator
[email protected]
O: (720) 974-9630
C: (720) 670-7596

F: (720) 974-9609

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Supporting a safe, smart, and healthy start for young children and their families.