
Thursday, June 18, 2020 10 am FREE

June 18, 2020 Havana BID Board Meeting

2020 MEETINGS ARE AT 10 A.M., 3rd Thursday of each month via phone in due to no public gathering (Covid 19) until further notice. 

Please feel free to join the public meeting.

HAVANA BID BOARD Call-in number: 303-536-7612 (no pin needed)

If any of you want to join with video, just go to from Chrome on your computer.

2020 June 18 Meeting Board Updates with Crime Stats

2020 Business Watch Card


2020 MEETINGS ARE AT 10 A.M., 3rd Thursday of each month via phone

HAVANA BID BOARD Call-in number: 303-536-7612 (no pin needed)

If any of you want to join with video, just go to from Chrome on your computer.


Chance Horiuchi


Executive Director