11:30 am – 12:30 pm (Colorado – Mountain Time)
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm (Minnesota, Wisconsin – Central Time)
Mark your calendars and register today for April Office Hours event being offered to all communities participating in Partners in Energy that will address the timely and important topic:
Electric Vehicle Planning with Partners in Energy
Partners in Energy is a program from Xcel Energy that supports the communities we serve by helping them develop and implement these energy plans. Each community has its own unique energy needs and priorities, and Partners in Energy services are tailored to complement each community’s vision.
Please register in advance using the link below.
Registration link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RnF2AgPCQ5GiWZvic64fvQ
In this Office Hours, we’ll discuss the benefits of Electric Vehicle (EV) planning for your community and highlight the recent update to the Partners in Energy EV Toolkit which can be a helpful guide when developing your EV plan. We’ll learn from community examples and hear about ways in which Xcel Energy can work with you in advancing your communities’ EV goals. There will be polling and plenty of opportunity to ask questions and share your own experience throughout!
Feel free to share this invitation with other members of your Energy Action Team. A recording of this presentation and a copy of the slide deck will be provided after the webinar to anyone who registers or by request.
From your Partners in Energy Community Facilitators: Judy Dorsey, Dan Epstein, Terry Hatfield, Melody Redburn, Becca Stock, Shelby Sommer, Sarah Martin, Lynn Coppedge, Amy Volckens, Marisa Bayer, Deirdre Coleman, Jenny Edwards, Mike Holsinger, Megan Weck, Kelsey Poljacik, Lauren Weber
Karla Salazar
Exchange Event Administrator
Partners in Energy Facilitation Team