
Fan Fare Update from Aurora Urban Renewal Authority

May 1st, 2017

Andrea Amonick from the Aurora Urban Renewal Authority has shared an April 2017 update on the Fan Fare redevelopment process:

“After conducting a second public process to identify potential developers for the Fan Fare site, the Aurora Urban Renewal Authority (AURA) entered into a Pre-Development Agreement with Dillon Place Development Group in late January to allow them 120 days to conduct due diligence for the Fan Fare site redevelopment. Dillon Place was one of the two development teams who submitted a response to the city of Aurora’s May 2016 Request for Qualifications.

During this time, AURA staff has worked with the developer and reviewed preliminary financial feasibility. The proposed project meets the goals of the Havana North Urban Renewal Plan, and if it is determined that the project is financially feasible, staff will initiate negotiations for a purchase and redevelopment agreement. The proposed project includes approximately 207 mid-rise multifamily rental units, 86 for-sale townhomes, 19,700 square feet of retail/commercial space and a 14,000 square foot mixed-use building.

Staff has also initiated the site re-zoning from its existing PD (Planned Development) zoning to Sustainable Infill Redevelopment (SIR), a zoning designation that provides flexibility for mixed-use infill redevelopment. Redevelopment plans for the site have not yet been formally submitted for city review, but are expected if we initiate negotiations.”

(Picured:  Rendering of the Fan Fare redevelopment supplied by Andrea Amonick.)