Over 200 people entered our Halloween Costume Contest on Saturday, October 28, 2017, at The Gardens on Havana. There were lots of fantastic costumes making judging difficult.
Most overall creative costume is The Outhouse, picture 1832, winning $100 cash. Best Adult Costume went to Dufus & the Zipper Face Girl, picture 1834, winning $100 cash.
Best Boys’ Costume went to the Zombie w/makeup, picture 1890, winning a $25 gift card.
Best Girls’ Costume went to the Disco Diva, picture 1854, winning a $25 gift card.
Best Princess Costume went to the Enchanted Princess, picture 1954, winning a $25 restaurant gift card.
Best Political Costume (and the only Political Costume this year) went to Trump Piggyback, picture 1860, winning a $25 restaurant gift card.
Best Super Hero Costume went to Thor, picture #1880, winning a $25 restaurant gift card.
Best Homemade Costume went to the Drone, picture 1830, winning a $25 restaurant gift card.
Petco held their annual Pet Costume Contest last Saturday, too. First Place was a tie between “Thing 1/Thing 2” and the Dog pulling Princess Cat and third place went to the little doggie butterfly.