Innovative safety practices & strategies businesses are employing in the midst of COVID-19
April 30th, 2020
Many businesses are struggling to figure out how to manage and navigate safety protocols during this pandemic. In support of each other many are sharing the ways their businesses have been adapting to Covid 19.
Some businesses have shared their best practices for COVID 19 safety and innovative covid 19 safety measures. This list is a collection of recommendations and suggestions from our On Havana Street supporters, businesses and community.
- Touchless pay is a top priority to customers
- Apple Pay options
- No Cash Payments
- Encourage payments by phone or online or via a downloaded application on YELP, Toast, Postmates, GrubHub, Uber Eats, & DoorDash
- Encouraged to set up your business for appointment and reservations only. Add reservation and appointment set up links on your website.
- Pay Options where only the customer touches their own card
- Encourage use of personal pens by customers, instead of company pen for credit card signatures
- Everyone wearing masks and gloves at all times
- No touch temperature checks prior to entering the business may be the new protocol and norm
- Employers may also have employees complete a no touch temperature check prior to working a shift
- Some businesses may have a Covid 19 questionnaire/screening before customers are allowed to dine in
- Signage at the front door and parking lot stating your MAX LIMIT of customers allowed at a time
- Hands free door openers
- Install Foot Door Openers
- Customers can use a Hygiene Hand or Hygiene Hook to access doors and press buttons for elevators
- Sanitizer doors frequently
- Keep doors open to avoid customers from having to open and close doors, *do not prop doors open if bugs or pests are entering
- Hand Sanitizier stations at the entrance and exits
- One entrance and exit to control the volume of guests coming in and out at one time
- Protocols on wiping credit card merchant service machines
- Protocols on cleaning the pen after a credit card signature
- Signage about social distancing, signs with a list of sanitation practices
- Wiping all condiments prior to and after use by customers or employees
- Designated restrooms for employees/customers
- Wiping all surfaces after customer or employee contact
- No more public community stations for creamers, napkins, forks, straws etc.
- Chalk art/canvas sidewalks with instructions for ordering or protocols
- Taped boxes and floor decals with 6 feet distances
- Plexiglass barriers at cashier
- Creating public art murals sharing social distancing practices
- Public hand washing stations
- Hand washing stations in drive thru for employees to wash their hands every 30 minutes
- DIY hand washing station: Get a water dispenser with hot water, soap dispenser, paper towels and a bucket to collect soapy water during hand washing
- Vinyl canvas sidewalks with protocols on social distancing
- 6 foot distancing markers at crosswalks and bus stops 
- Donate your change (coins) instead of having the change returned to the customer.
- Changing the dining room set up and layout to accommodate for 6 foot distancing when dining re-opens
- Children play areas, play places or playgrounds remain closed
- Some businesses decided to have no public restrooms
- To help with the 6 feet distance some businesses used chairs in front of the register area to make sure there is a 6 foot distance between customers and employees
- Limit the number of riders on each elevator ride
- For Service Businesses: Customers must make an appointment (No walk-in’s accepted), arrive on time or wait in your vehicle until your appointment time, come alone, do not bring your children to appointments, arrive wearing face masks, during the service appointment please keep your masks on the whole time, wash and sanitizer your hands before and after the appointment, cancel your appointment if you have a cold, cough, flu-like symptoms or not feeling well. Service Employees: They will wear a face masks, face sheilds & medical gloves and change them after each client, disinfect and wipe down all stations before and after every client, & keep the place of business capacity low.
- Post Signage – Businesses can refuse service to individuals with cold/flu like symptoms
- Schedule employees to work on certain days to limit the number of people in the place of business at all times.
Help stop the spread of COVID-19
Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
Keep 6 feet away from others when possible.
If you feel sick, stay home when you can
Listen for orders from your local government to stay home
Cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow
The State of Colorado and DORA will be launching a statewide campaign that will be promoting innovative practices and strategies businesses are employing in the midst of COVID-19. As an example, a hair salon that is packaging customized “DIY” hair kits to help their clients get through the closure of salons, and a physical therapist who has been recording client telehealth meetings and providing them via Youtube.
Do you have other recommendations or suggestions that businesses could implement for employees and customers safety?
Please share your input with Chance via email [email protected]
Signage, printing, floor decals, masks, and more MORE.
- A+ Mail Room, p: 303-755-6245, 1155 S Havana St, Unit 11, Aurora, CO 80012,
- Havana Sign p: 303-344-1893, 50 S Havana Street, STE 510, Aurora, CO 80012, Send an email to: [email protected],
- Herrada Printing of Colorado, Inc. p: 720-629-7001, 1555 S Havana ST, , Unit S, Aurora, CO 80012,
Located in the Buckingham Shopping Center where Safeway & Denny’s is located, near the former Gibby’s
Ask for Mark Hammerbeck
Located in the Village on the Park Shopping Center with Ross, TJ Maxx, Five Below, Shoe Carnival, near Coco Loco, Tofu House
Ask for Bill Smith

Ask for Jim Elder, Document Solution Consultant
Reimagine – Reopen COVID-19 Flyer
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m.; Saturday: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.; Sunday: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.:
8am – 9pm, Saturday: 9am – 9pm, Sunday: 10am – 7pm
Services At This Store
- Tech Support Services
- Packing, Mailing & Shipping Services
- Photo print Services
- Shredding Services
- Expanded Cleaning and Breakroom Selection
- Print & Copy Services
- Cell Phone Repair
- Tech Recycling
- Tech Trade-in
Other Resources during Covid19
- Sanitizers: Sherwin Williams at the Havana Exchange Shopping Center near Bicycle Village: Selling commercial sanitizing sprayers, Ask for Brenan Erb, [email protected]
- Free Photos – Connect with From the Hip Photo at the Stanley Marketplace – Offering free/discounted costs to help businesses during this time with virtual tours, photography of products and food for online marketing, and digital ads. Ask for Nina and Danny De Zayas: [email protected] | 720-390-5995
- Safety Supplies – Connect with Colorado Safety Supply to purchase sanitizers, cleaning and protection equipment for employees and customers. Located on 700 Billings St Unit B Aurora CO 80011, 303-537-5832, Ask for Tyler
- Sell or Purchase Hand-sewn Cloth Masks: Contact Andy, Craig or Rochelle at Mile High Workshop, (720) 446-8612, Email: [email protected], 13280 E Mississippi Ave. Aurora, CO 80012
The Mile High WorkShop is an employment and job training program for those facing barriers to work. We assemble and manufacture products in partnership with our business partners to create work opportunities.