Rental Assistance Program opens for third round of funding
January 7th, 2021
The city of Aurora is making more than $1 million in rental assistance available to help those financially impacted by COVID-19. The Rental Assistance Program began in 2020 after the city heard from residents that lease payments were among their top concerns during the COVID-19 crisis, and the program is now open for its third round of applications. If you hold a current lease in the city of Aurora and are unable to pay your rent because you lost income due to COVID, you may be eligible.
To learn more about the program, go to, where you’ll find information on eligibility guidelines and details on what paperwork you need to gather in order to complete the application. Households who earn up to 80% of the Area Median Income are eligible for this round of funding.
Funding for the program comes from federal Community Development Block Grants, and applications will be accepted until the amount of requests exceeds available money.
Rental Assistance Program
Unable to make rental payments because of financial hardships related to the COVID-19 pandemic?

The city of Aurora may be able to help.
The city of Aurora has heard from residents during the COVID-19 crisis that rental assistance is a key need, and is making funds available through the Community Development Block Grant COVID-19 (CDBG-CV) Emergency Rental Relief Program to help people stay in their homes.
What’s covered under the Aurora Rental Assistance Program?
- Assistance with monthly rent payments, not to exceed established fair market rent by HUD
- Payments are made directly to the landlord/property manager
- Mortgage assistance is not available through this program (contact your mortgage company for relief options or go to Development to speak with a housing counselor)
Who’s eligible?
- Household income is at or below 80% of Area Median Income (see chart below); financial verification is required
- The reason for requesting assistance is related to COVID-19 (for example, loss of income or employment due to COVID-19, or COVID-19 health-related expenses)
- Applicant does not receive other public housing support or vouchers
- Applicant has a current lease in place within the city of Aurora (unincorporated areas of Adams, Arapahoe and Douglas counties are not eligible)
- Applicants who received funding through earlier rounds of the Aurora Rental Assistance Program may be eligible (those who applied for the second round of funding – Aug. 10 through Dec. 2 – but who did not receive funding at that time do not need to reapply unless their situation has changed)
- Applicant’s current lease must be the same lease as when COVID-19 affected their income and ability to pay rent
- Applicants must disclose any other local, state and federal rental assistance received, including from the city of Aurora; these benefits will be taken into consideration when determining the amount that will be provided to the applicant for rental assistance
- Eligibility for this program is not dependent upon citizenship status

Learn more at the City of Aurora’s