As stores reopen and people start to venture out (with masks on) and shop there are a lot of questions about how things are being kept safe for customers and employees of the stores alike. We can’t speak for everyone, everywhere, but we’ve been impressed with the commitment to community health we have seen the retailers On Havana Street put in as restrictions ease.
Here are just a few of the things we’ve seen from our retailers.
As CDC guidelines evolve and change, business owners are being apprised of them and adjusting their procedures as necessary. This is the first and most important step our retailers are taking to ensure safe shopping spaces for customers.
Hand-in-hand with those CDC guidelines, our retailers require strict social distancing rules be followed, and many are limiting the number of guests that can be in the stores at any one time to help facilitate this necessary social distancing.
All retailers have ramped up their cleaning procedures and are implementing quick cleaning sweeps between customers. Many have hand sanitizer available for customers to use at various places within the shop, and some have put up plexiglass barriers to protect their customer service members and employees as well as customers. Our retailers have always prided themselves on clean environments, but they are cleaner than ever before now.
To accommodate smaller shopping groups and increased cleaning procedures, many retailers are operating on modified hours, so make sure you double-check before you head out to shop!
Some retailers are adjusting how they serve their customers, and many are sharing that information online via social media channels, so make sure you’re following your favorite shops to stay up-to-date on all that is being offered.
Everyone is being cautious with the reopening experience, and we are proud to say that our retailers are dedicated to keeping you safe before, during, and after your shopping experience. If you’re wondering what the latest updates are on who’s open and who is still only offering takeout, online orders, or delivery, check out our website.